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A member registered Aug 02, 2019

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Oh, you're totally right, sorry I missed that. Having to restart from the beginning is still a tidge frustrating, but having the ability to restart quickly deserves a few more points. :)

Really impressive level of polish, but having to flip through menus every time you restart is frustrating. Also, having to start from the beginning instead of the current screen really kills the pace of what could be an amazing breakneck-meatboy-style game.

Killer concept, but needlessly difficult. Having the fine motor control of the mouse rather than smashing keyboard keys would probably really help things.

Oh. Maybe not speed-reading as much as social ineptitude. *makes "whoosh" gesture above head*

"Too easy" is certainly a first in terms of feedback we've gotten thus far,  you must have picked it up pretty fast! In later levels, enemies are introduced which dive bomb and shoot homing missiles at the player–that could prove to be the greater challenge you're looking for 🙂.

Thanks for your feedback!

Thank you for your feedback! A feature (that I'd forgotten to document until now) is that running into the patches of small asteroids/"space junk" causes the player to temporarily slow down.  Could this be what you're describing?

In any case, our level designer (as well as the rest of us) have learned a valuable lesson in difficulty curves, and ramping up object size is one of those changes we're working on for an updated mobile release. I hope you'll stay tuned!

-HLM, artist/concept

The art, music, and controls are very polished, but what is "out of control" about it is a bit lost on me. But it stands by itself as a solid standard platformer, which is great!